كيف يمكنني التحكم في الكيمرا عن طريق العجلات

لا يمكنني التحكم في الكيمرا عن طريق العجلات لماذ

For anyone wondering, Google translate says:

Why can’t I control the cameras using the wheels?

This question is not at all clear, even once translated. What camera? What wheels?

My first thought is he is trying to control a gimballed camera using a slider\knob\dial that is on his RC.

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Yes, this is what I want to inquire about. Can you help me?

This is the remote control. Can you provide me with a way to use it?

Yes, this is what I want to inquire about. Can you help me?
This is the remote control. Can you provide me with a way to use it?

You’ll have to learn how to assign RC channels in your remote control - that is remote control specific and can be found in your user manual.
Then you should start from here.

Why can’t I call the plane, my friend? Tell me about that

can I connect the plane to my remote control via an application?pX4

There’s a language barrier that makes it hard to understand your posts, sorry.
It seems like you’re new to PX4 or maybe the entire RC world, I suggest you take some time learning the basics of PX4 and your equipment (I can’t figure your RC model with the image provided).
It looks like a remote that can display telemetry+ video, so both up and down links should be available using the remote - meaning you can “talk” to the plane using this remote. You should also be able to connect a USB cable directly to your flight controller and configure it using QGroundControl application on your mobile phone, or laptop.
Getting Started with PX4 Autopilot | PX4 Guide (main)

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