Tilt servos for roll and pitch control


I am working on a project of a hexacopter configuration with the 2 lateral motors being tilted in pitch (same servo for both motors) and roll (different servos for each one). The following picture I think could help to understand the configuration.

This tube that supports motors 3 and 6 rotates for pitch control (-30 to 30º) and the motors 3 and 6 rotates outwards (0 to 30º) to push the drone to the right and left, respectively.

This configuration is required by the concept of operation of this UAV.

Trying to configure the pixhawk I have, I found that tilt is only for pitch, yaw or both, it don’t allow me to configure a tilt servo to control the roll. Is that right or I’m missing something? If anyone could help me with this tilt roll configuration.

yes, it is only possible to control pitch and yaw with tilt. If you want to control roll also, you have to modify the code.

Do you have any clue of where I have to do it? Which file or directory I should code this?

As already exists this functions for pitch and yaw, I think I can learn how to do it faster studying this features codes. Can you help me with this information?