Seeking to hire participants in a user study

Hello everyone,

I am a PhD student at Purdue University.
We are seeking participants who are 18 years of age and older to participate in the study. Further, the participants must have experience with drone software (e.g., ArduPilot). Participants will be asked to (i) write down five formulas after reading each description of the drone’s expected behaviors and (ii) fix five bugs in ArduPilot after reading how to trigger bugs and what are expected behaviors of patched software.

The experiment will take about 2.5 hours. We will give each participant a $40 Amazon gift card if the participant completes this user study.

Please get in touch with me,, for more information.

Thank you!

If you’re seeking ArduPilot users, perhaps also post on the ArduPilot forum:

There’s also a research discussion channel in the ArduPilot discord server:

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@auturgy Thanks for the suggestion!
I will also post a message to ArduPilot discord.

We are still recruiting participants.
Your participation will contribute to the research community!
Please consider participating in the user study.

Thanks all participants!
This user study is closed.