Qgroundcontrol latest 6 jun 2024 master code not compiling for android … jdk 11 and sdk command line tools v10.0 , ndk 21.3 , compiled apk doesn’tload on phone . QGC mobile app crashes on opening . Using qt Amdroid 6.6.3 arm64-v8a clang kit . using android 33 and build tools 33 in the build config settings , i.e building android apk .
The source files are currently undergoing upgrades and have to be build using cmake - except custom build version.
Also Android should be build using for armeabi-v7a.
- See also build instructions:
Getting Started with Source and Builds | QGC Guide (master)
PS: I’ve noticed in past builds that Android simulator would crash or .apk wouldn’t run, yet on an actual device it was working fine.
Hello everyone,
I am trying to run custom-example of Qgcs. Till now I have excluded the changed files also added custom file in res folder under custom folder and added those in custom.qrc and the updateqrc.py runs successfully but when I clean build (option in qt creator )build it again by the hammer icon changes as not deflected. please let me know if there is anything i am missing.
The custom-example has been “buggy” for a long time. In the documentation there is reference that master has priority in development and hence the custom-example can fall behind and not update correctly to a point where it will no longer build.(Had all sort of issues a year ago trying to build it).
As there is currently some significant work being done to master files (building towards version 5.0), it is hardly surprising you will encounter some build issues with the custom-example.
You can build of master which should have already some features of version 5.0 (use at own risk), or use the stable version. (Based on 4.3 with some bug fixes).