1 - @Rowan_Dempster Hoping we could discuss people’s ideas for a way to unify ROS2 and UORB topic logging using rosbag2 and/or ULOG. Cleo is running into issues where we have multiple logging formats for different parts of our software stack and it’s difficult to sync them across time. Would be great if there was a way to replay the entire topic graph to both the ROS2 modules and PX4 modules.
2- @Rowan_Dempster When using body frame velocities should those be passed to the EKF2 with respect to the IMU or with respect to the center of the body? Like should the compensation between the IMU movement during pitch be subtracted out before being passed to the EKF2, or should the EKF just get the IMU framed velocity data and it does the compensation? Does the EKF2 operate in the IMU frame of the center of gravity frame?
@bresch All sensors inouts are transformed to IMU frame and EKF solution is always applied to the center of mass. However in case of have EV or somehting similar EKF_EV_POS_* and EKF_IMU_POS_* could be used.
3 - Also wondering about the integration of PX4_INFO integration with the equivalent RCLCPP_INFO. Like if I call PX4_INFO I want it to show up on the /rosout topic in the Log.msg format.
4- @Andreas_Greiner Hello, we recently reported an issue we experienced while using offboard mode after going to PX4-Autopilot 1.15 which we never had before the update. In short, the drone once started rapidly descending in offboard mode, only being caught by manual RC intervention / position mode. The second time the issue also started in offboard mode and even though the drone quickly switched to position mode it kept going down, eventuelly crashing in the ground. More information can be found here Offboard Mode Issues on PX4-Autopilot 1.15. As we don’t know how to progress with this issue we would be glad about any help we can receive. Thanks in advance!
5- @Benja Latest update about Ubuntu 24.04 support?
@dagar As long as it is not existing in CI, it means there in none.
Hoping we could discuss people’s ideas for a way to unify ROS2 and UORB topic logging using rosbag2 and/or ULOG. Cleo is running into issues where we have multiple logging formats for different parts of our software stack and it’s difficult to sync them across time. Would be great if there was a way to replay the entire topic graph to both the ROS2 modules and PX4 modules.
Also wondering about the integration of PX4_INFO integration with the equivalent RCLCPP_INFO. Like if I call PX4_INFO I want it to show up on the /rosout topic in the Log.msg format.
Hello, we recently reported an issue we experienced while using offboard mode after going to PX4-Autopilot 1.15 which we never had before the update. In short, the drone once started rapidly descending in offboard mode, only being caught by manual RC intervention / position mode. The second time the issue also started in offboard mode and even though the drone quickly switched to position mode it kept going down, eventuelly crashing in the ground. More information can be found here Offboard Mode Issues on PX4-Autopilot 1.15. As we don’t know how to progress with this issue we would be glad about any help we can receive. Thanks in advance!
When using body frame velocities should those be passed to the EKF2 with respect to the IMU or with respect to the center of the body? Like should the compensation between the IMU movement during pitch be subtracted out before being passed to the EKF2, or should the EKF just get the IMU framed velocity data and it does the compensation? Does the EKF2 operate in the IMU frame of the center of gravity frame?