Offboard api with timecontrol

Is the any good idea to achieve accurate time contorl with offboard api, like goTo(x,y,z,time), or other operation like takeoff(height, time), land(height,time). now i use the velocity, and i use the distance divide the time. but i do need to check the goal is touched, and this alway have error. I am inspired by the crazyflie with high level contorl. can i move it to the controller ?

  if (command.getCommandId() == CommandId::Takeoff) {
    const TakeOffCommand& takeOffCmd = static_cast<const TakeOffCommand&>(command);

    if (takeOffCmd.params.height <= 0 || takeOffCmd.params.duration <= 0) {
        m_logger.warning("Ignore command : Invalid takeoff parameters: height and duration must be positive.");

    auto takeoff_speed = takeOffCmd.params.height / takeOffCmd.params.duration;

    auto get_speed_result = action.get_maximum_speed();
    if (get_speed_result.first == Action::Result::Success)
        action.set_maximum_speed(std::min(takeoff_speed, get_speed_result.second));

    const Action::Result takeoff_result = action.takeoff();
    if (takeoff_result != Action::Result::Success) {

        std::stringstream sstr;
        sstr << "Takeoff failed: " << takeoff_result;
    // check position reached
    auto in_air_promise = std::promise<void>{};
    auto in_air_future = in_air_promise.get_future();
    Telemetry::PositionVelocityNedHandle handle = telemetry.subscribe_position_velocity_ned(
        [&telemetry, &in_air_promise, &handle, takeOffCmd](Telemetry::PositionVelocityNed position_velocity_ned) {
            if (fabs(position_velocity_ned.position.down_m + takeOffCmd.params.height) < 0.05)
                std::cout << "Taking off has finished\n.";
    if (in_air_future.wait_for(std::chrono::duration<float>(takeOffCmd.params.duration)) == std::future_status::timeout) {
        std::cerr << "Takeoff timed out.\n";
// or just sleep

You need to “close the loop”, so basically write a position controller to get to the right position. Or alternatively, you can just use the position offboard interface instead of the velocity one. Does that make sense?