Hello -
I’ve been using ArduPilot firmware and CubePilot flight controllers on mult-copters for about four years now.
I recently learned that the Cube flight controllers come with a bootloader specifically to support PX4 as well as ArduPilot.
I use Qgroundcontrol on a HereLink for my copters - so I thought this might be a good excuse to load PX4 on one of my small copters and give it a try.
I loaded PX4 on a Hexsoon EDU-450. (very similar to a HolyBro X500 V2)
The ArduPilot wiki has a fairly through set of instructions for making initial settings for stable operation before autotune. The settings are mostly based on prop size and battery type.
I haven’t been able to find anything along these lines in the PX4 documentation. Maybe I’ve just missed it.
Could someone please point me to a good reference, or perhaps have a few suggestions?
Many Thanks!
I would expect the default PX4 quad model to work ok/stable out of the box.
I’m afraid PX4 does not have a guide in terms of basic params such as prop size, battery, frame size, etc. although I’d agree that could be helpful!
There is a quad auto-tune but it does require a stable baseline:
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Thank you for your kind reply.
I made a couple of test hover flights this morning, and indeed, the copter was quite stable. It would appear that all the PIDs, filters, etc. are all quite conservative. I look forward to trying autotune.
I think the only parameters I adjusted from the defaults were for the CubePilot MIni Power Brick - I set the amp per volt and voltage divider to what I had set for this copter on ArduPilot. Also - I set the number of cells - the default is zero cells.
I’m attaching a log from a test flight this morning and I’ve viewed it with the Flight Review website tool.
I’d appreciate anyone’s suggestions on changes to improve things before I go on to autotune.
Many thanks!
Please upload log to logs.px4.io and share the link here.
Julian -
Thanks for agreeing to take a look at my data.
I didn’t see a way to copy a link to a log file in Flight Review but here’s a web link that goes there:
This log is from a hover flight test.
I decided to use the airframe settings for the Holybro X500 V2 - because they use the same motors and props as my Hexsoon EDU-450.
These setting seem to perform well - but I expect they may improve after doing an autotune.
I you can spot anything else I should correct or adjust before the autotune, I’d apreciate any suggestions you an offer.
Sorry, I’m a bit late here. Nothing bad stands out to me from a quick glance.