Mavlink offboard control copter with Pixhawk and c_uart_inteface_example

Hi everyone !

I’m a bit stuck in my project… For 3 months in fact.

I have to make an autonomous drone. To do this, I only got : Pixhawk, Odroid and c_uart_interface_example program.

Pixhawk details : PX4 flight stack uploaded with QGroundControl (firmware version : 1.5.5), safety switch, GPS, powering on POWER port, RF transceiver 433 MHz on Telem2 port, SD card.
Specifics param : COM_RC_IN_MODE = Virtual RC by Joystick and SYS_COMPANION = Companion Link (57 600baud)
Calibration: Only Joystick calibration is in red

Odroid details : RF transceiver 433 MHz on USB port, send/receive mavlink messages thanks to c_uart_interface_example

c_uart_interface_example details : addition of method for send heartbeat, manual control, arm/disarm andtake off

I put below all messages which appears in the nutshell console when I’m starting my pixhawk :
nsh> sercon: Registering CDC/ACM serial driver
sercon: Successfully registered the CDC/ACM serial driver
WARN [param] selected parameter default file /fs/mtd_params
rgbled on I2C bus 2 at 0x55 (bus: 100 KHz, max: 100 KHz)
WARN [px4io] CRCs match
INFO [dataman] Power on restart, data manager file ‘/fs/microsd/dataman’ size is 47640 bytes
MS5611_SPI on SPI bus 4 at 2 (20000 KHz)
WARN [ms5611] no device on bus 4
ERROR [ms5611] driver start failed
MS5611_SPI on SPI bus 1 at 3 (20000 KHz)
WARN [bst] no devices found
INFO [ver] match: PX4FMU_V2
WARN [hmc5883] no device on bus 2
read_reg failWARN [lis3mdl] no device on bus 2
WARN [hmc5883] no device on bus 1
WARN [mpu6000] no device on bus 3
WARN [mpu6000] no device on bus 4
WARN [mpu6000] no device on bus 4
WARN [mpu9250] no device on bus 4
MPU6000 on SPI bus 1 at 4 (1000 KHz)
WARN [mpu6000] no device on bus 4
WARN [mpu9250] no device on bus 3
WARN [mpu9250] no device on bus 4
L3GD20 on SPI bus 1 at 1 (11000 KHz)
LSM303D on SPI bus 1 at 2 (11000 KHz)
ERROR [meas_airspeed] no MS4525 airspeed sensor connected
ERROR [ets_airspeed] no ETS airspeed sensor connected
ERROR [ets_airspeed] no ETS airspeed sensor connected
nsh: sf1xx: command not found
INFO [px4io] default PWM output device
INFO [mavlink] mode: Normal, data rate: 1200 B/s on /dev/ttyS1 @ 57600B
INFO [mavlink] mode: Onboard, data rate: 5000 B/s on /dev/ttyS2 @ 57600B
INFO [ver] match: PX4FMU_V2
px4flow [200:100]
WARN [px4flow] scanning I2C buses for device…
INFO [mavlink] mode: Config, data rate: 800000 B/s on /dev/ttyACM0 @ 57600B
INFO [init] Mixer: /etc/mixers/octo_cox_w.main.mix on /dev/pwm_output0
INFO [init] Mixer: /etc/mixers/pass.aux.mix on /dev/pwm_output1
INFO [lib__ecl] EKF IMU buffer length = 21
INFO [lib__ecl] EKF observation buffer length = 16

NuttShell (NSH)
nsh> WARN [mavlink] Disabling hardware flow control
INFO [lib__ecl] EKF using pressure height - commencing alignment
WARN [mavlink] Disabling hardware flow control
WARN [commander] MANUAL CONTROL LOST (at t=6869ms)
INFO [lib__ecl] EKF alignment complete

My problem is the following one : When I execute the program (./mavlink_control), Pixhawk is armed correctly with GPS lock (Solid green LED) but when I modify position or velocity target with mavlink_set_position_target_local_ned_t, like it was implemented in initial code, PWM value of Pixhawk’s main ouputs stayed to 0V. Idem, when take off command is executed whereas nsh returns something like “taking off detected”.

I don’t make the ESC calibration, I don’t have power supply for servo rail only powered by power port and I don’t have RC.

However, I saw on web ( ), this is necessary to send and receive some specifics messages but I don’t understand how to force my autopilot to send me this type of message.

Please @LorenzMeier or anyone who know about it, help me !

Best regards,

UP !
I’m very stuck and I think it’s a little problem in reality