LPE: frequent mocap timeout when using mavros mocap plugin


I have been struggling to get the mocap data to PX4 v1.6.0 from OptiTrack system, using mavros plugins.


  • Mocap Machine
  • Linux Machine that runs mocap node, using this package. It also runs a node that subscribes to mocap data published by mocap node, and transfer it to /mavros/mocap/pose.
    *Odroid that runs mavros, and connected to Pixhawk
  • All three devices are connected to a WiFi router (5Ghz).
  • The mocap node publishes rigid bodies’ data at 120Hz (checked that with rostopic hz)
  • ROS master runs on the Odroid (which runs mavros)

I tried to publish to the topic /mavros/mocap/pose, at different frequencies, but I always get mocap timeout in QGC?

I am not sure what I am missing here?

Any hints/suggestions are appreciated.


id you find any solution? I have the same problem.