Keyboard control using MAVROS

I was trying to write a Python script to control a drone using the keyboard. It seems to work in simulation, but as soon as I try to push it to a physical drone, it does not seem to work properly.

#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import rospy
import tty, termios
import sys, select
from mavros_msgs.msg import AttitudeTarget, PositionTarget, State, ManualControl
from mavros_msgs.srv import CommandBool, SetMode
from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan
from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, TwistStamped
from nav_msgs.msg import Odometry
import time
import PyKDL
import math
import numpy as np

from mavros_msgs.srv import CommandLong

class pub:
    def __init__(self, uav_type):
        self.px = 0 = 0
        self.pz = 0
        self.vx, self.vy, self.vz = 0, 0, 0
        self.roll, self.pitch, self.yaw = 0, 0, 0
        self.roll_rate, self.pitch_rate, self.yaw_rate = 0, 0, 0
        self.arm_state = False
        self.mavros_state = State()
        # Obstacle avoidance parameters
        self.eta = 0.15  # Repulsive force coefficient
        self.d0 = 1.5  # Influence distance for obstacles
        self.avoidance_vector_x = 0
        self.avoidance_vector_y = 0

        self.msg2leader = '''
                            w: pitch forward
                            s: pitch backward
                            a: roll to the left
                            d: roll to the right
                            q: yaw to the left
                            e: yaw to the right
                            1: arm the drone
                            8: increse throttle
                            2: decrese throttle 
                            A: Altitude flight mode
                            P: Position flight mode
                            K: kill switch
                            D: disarm
        #  Subscribers
        self.mavros_sub = rospy.Subscriber(uav_type + "_0/mavros/state", State, self.mavros_state_callback)
        self.lidar_sub = rospy.Subscriber(uav_type + "_0/scan", LaserScan, self.scan_cb)  # LIDAR scan subscriber

        # Publishers
        self.target_motion_pub = rospy.Publisher(uav_type + "_0/mavros/setpoint_raw/local", PositionTarget, queue_size=10)
        self.body_target_pub = rospy.Publisher(uav_type + "_0/mavros/setpoint_raw/attitude", AttitudeTarget, queue_size=2)
        self.flightModeService = rospy.ServiceProxy(uav_type + "_0/mavros/set_mode", SetMode)
        self.armService = rospy.ServiceProxy(uav_type + "_0/mavros/cmd/arming", CommandBool)
        self.manual_control_pub = rospy.Publisher(uav_type + "_0/mavros/manual_control/send", ManualControl, queue_size=10)

        self.command_service = rospy.ServiceProxy(uav_type + "_0/mavros/cmd/command", CommandLong)

    def mavros_state_callback(self, msg):
        self.mavros_state = msg.mode
        self.arm_state = msg.armed

    def arm(self):
        if self.armService(True):
            return True
            print("Vehicle arming failed!")
            return False

    def disarm(self):
        if self.armService(False):
            return True
            print("Vehicle disarming failed!")
            return False
    def takeoff(self):

    def getKey(self):
        settings = termios.tcgetattr(sys.stdin)
        rlist, _, _ =[sys.stdin], [], [], 1)
        if rlist:
            key =
            key = ''
        termios.tcsetattr(sys.stdin, termios.TCSADRAIN, settings)
        return key
    def set_mode(self,mode):
        rospy.wait_for_service(uav_type + "_0/mavros/set_mode")
            set_mode_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(uav_type + "_0/mavros/set_mode", SetMode)
            response = set_mode_srv(custom_mode=mode)
            if response.mode_sent:
                rospy.loginfo(f"Mode set to {mode}")
                rospy.logwarn(f"Failed to set mode to {mode}")
        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            rospy.logerr(f"Service call failed: {e}")

    # def state_callback(self, msg):
    #     self.current_state = msg

    def terminate_drone(self):
    # Try sending MAV_CMD_DO_FLIGHTTERMINATION command
            response = self.command_service(False, 185, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            if response.success:
                rospy.loginfo("Drone termination command sent successfully")
                rospy.logerr("Failed to send termination command")

        except rospy.ServiceException as e:
            rospy.logerr(f"Service call failed: {e}")

    def control_drone(self):
        global yaw, pitch, roll, step, throttle
        throttle = 500
        yaw = 0
        pitch = 0
        roll = 0
        step = 600

        self.manual_control_pub.publish(ManualControl(x=0, y=0, z=500, r=0))
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            key = self.getKey()
            self.manual_control_pub.publish(ManualControl(x=pitch, y=roll, z=500, r=0))
            if key:
                if   key == 'w': pitch = step
                elif key == 's': pitch = -step
                elif key == 'a': roll = -step
                elif key == 'd': roll = step
                elif key == 'q': yaw = step
                elif key == 'e': yaw = -step
                elif key == '8': throttle = 800
                elif key == '2': throttle = -800
                elif key == '1': self.arm()
                elif key == 'D': self.disarm()
                elif key == 't': self.takeoff()
                elif key == 'A': self.set_mode('ALTCTL')
                elif key == 'P': self.set_mode('POSCTL')
                elif key == 'O': self.set_mode('OFFBOARD')
                elif key == 'L': self.set_mode('AUTO.LAND')
                elif key == 'H': self.set_mode('AUTO.LOITER')
                elif key == 'K': self.terminate_drone()

                # # Ensure pitch and roll are within allowed bounds
                # pitch = max(min(pitch, 1000), -1000)
                # roll = max(min(roll, 1000), -1000)

                self.manual_control_pub.publish(ManualControl(x=pitch, y=roll, z=throttle, r=yaw))
                print(f"throttle = {throttle}, yaw = {yaw}, pitch = {pitch}, roll = {roll}")

                yaw = 0
                pitch = 0
                roll = 0
                throttle =500
                self.manual_control_pub.publish(ManualControl(x=pitch, y=roll, z=500, r=0))
            yaw = 0
            pitch = 0
            roll = 0
            throttle =500


if __name__ == '__main__':
    uav_type = sys.argv[1]
    con = pub(uav_type)

this is the code that works well in SITL. But as soon as it is put on to a jetson nano connected to the drone, all it does is arm it. No other keys seem to change any attitude of the drone.
Is it possible to have an actual RC connected to the drone (as a backup) and send out attitude commands to the drone using this script running in the companion computer?
will I have to send the command in a different topic or a different Mavlink message?

Just to give you more information, I am able to fly the drone in Position hold mode if I have GPS by using the above code. in GPS denied environment I use hector slam and a 2d lidar to get local position estimate to keep the drone in Position hold mode. I do not want to fly the drone in offboard mode. I want to make use of all the safety and PID features position hold mode offers.

I got the Python script to communicate with the physical drone by publishing attitudes to “/mavros/manual_control/control” topic. Now I can change the throttle role pitch and yaw when I hit the respective keys.

And the way I have structured this code is as follows:

  1. When the code is started and the user hits any key, the following 2 lines are continuously being published.
self.manual_control_pub.publish(ManualControl(x=pitch, y=roll, z=500, r=0))
            self.manual_control_pub2.publish(ManualControl(x=pitch, y=roll, z=500, r=0))
  1. when the user kits any of the key to change the attitude of the drone, that particulate attitude is increase to a value of 600 and the same value is published for a duration of 0.1s
  2. then all attitudes are reset to there original values and the same message published in step one is published again to bring the drone back to stable mode.

So now the question is whether I must publish the manual control message at a particulate rate\frequency.

Now, the issue is that even if I continuously publish the following commands from the start, QGS states that I am losing manual control and regaining it after 0.6s.

self.manual_control_pub.publish(ManualControl(x=pitch, y=roll, z=500, r=0))
            self.manual_control_pub2.publish(ManualControl(x=pitch, y=roll, z=500, r=0))

Is the 0.1s wait time activating the fail-safe? or do I just have to publish the commands at a higher rate