Issue with Pixhawk C/C++ example code

Pixhawk board = Pixhawk 5x
Companion computer = Jetson nano

My parameter setting is as follows.

I try to folow the [C/C++ example code] GitHub - mavlink/c_uart_interface_example: Simple MAVLink to UART interface example for *nix systems)
However, I can’t see the full example output even if I wait a long time.

Can you tell me which part to modify?

hello friend,
– if u want do the mavlink connection tests, I suggest directly using mavros, u can write a launch file to setup these port, mavros will do all the rest for u, so u only need is to listen several messages published by the mavros, and u can move the pixhwak board, to see if these values are changing accordingly. u can plot these data by plotjuggler for example.