Indoor ofboard control hexacopter

Hi, I am new with Ros programming drones. I have a non-commercial hexacopter and want to do offboard position control with my laptop (ubuntu 16.04, kinetic). Hence, I followed the px4 tutorial.

  1. roslaunch mavros px4.launch
  2. cd ~/src/Firmware && make posix_sitl_default gazebo
  3. roslaunch px4 posix_sitl.launch
    4. rosrun offboard_package offb_node
    I am connected to the drone with USB and see mavros state in connected mode, but the simulation shows stable drone with no rotating propellars. And nothing happens on the drone.
    my question is that:
  1. is this procedure true? IF so, why I can’t see any movement in simulation and real drone?
  2. Is it assumed that after running offb_node, we see drone flies to that proposed position in the node?
    I really appreciate if someone can show me true procedures.