Implementing NMPC in PX4 using acados

Hello all, I am making a Non Linear Model Predictive Controller for fault tolerant control of drones, I am using Acados toolkit for ocp formulation and solver, I have generated the c codes using Acados.

I want to know how do I implement it in PX4, as I am facing issues with linking the files generated by Acados with PX4.


Here is an example: GitHub - Jaeyoung-Lim/px4-mpc: MPC implementation using acados integrated with with PX4 on ROS2

Thanks, I see this uses Offboard mode. Do you know how can I do it without it? I am thinking of making a custom module inside PX4 firmware.

@Ravi_Shah You can use the mode registration: PX4 ROS 2 Control Interface | PX4 Guide (main)

Thanks, I will give it a try