How to use gstreamer in android device

I am trying to use GStreamer in QGroundControl to capture the camera feed. I successfully installed GStreamer and built the project on Windows, where it works perfectly. However, I’m facing issues with getting GStreamer to work on Android. The Android device doesn’t seem to detect GStreamer. Interestingly, when I tested this on the original QGroundControl Android application, it worked fine, but in my own custom build, GStreamer does not function properly. Has anyone experienced this issue or can provide guidance on how to resolve it?

This image from windows :


This android :

I managed to resolve the issue. The problem was that I had incorrectly installed the GStreamer Android SDKs. To fix it, I made sure that the GStreamer Android SDK and NDK versions were compatible. Additionally, I set the SDK path to the ANDROID_GST_ROOT environment variable, and I ensured that the path was correctly referenced in the VideoReceiver file. Once I did this, GStreamer started working properly on Android.

else:AndroidBuild {
    GST_VERSION = 1.22.11
    #- gstreamer assumed to be installed in $$PWD/../../gstreamer-1.0-android-universal-$$GST_VERSION/***
    ANDROID_GST_ROOT = c:/gstreamer/1.0/android #$$PWD/../../gstreamer-1.0-android-universal-$$GST_VERSION
    contains(ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH, armeabi-v7a) {
        GST_ROOT = $$ANDROID_GST_ROOT/armv7
    } else:contains(ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH, arm64-v8a) {
        GST_ROOT = $$ANDROID_GST_ROOT/arm64
    } else:contains(ANDROID_TARGET_ARCH, x86_64) {
        GST_ROOT = $$ANDROID_GST_ROOT/x86_64
    } else {