Flight Log Parameters Documentation


Is there any place to reference what the logged parameters mean in the flight logs? I tried looking but it was to no avail.

Hi Alvin,

Maybe are you speaking about this?

Hi Retro,

Thank you for your response. I did reference this and it has been somewhat helpful; however, it does not have what all the parameters are. For example, what is q[0],q[1],actuator_control[1], etc… ? know the q’s are quaternions so I was just using them as an example. I’m also using FlightPlot and FlightAnalysis to analyze my logs as I would rather keep them offline for now.

Hi Alvin,

I’m agree with you that there isn’t so much info about that.

Good luck.

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hello and good day…i did the first test fly on ground …i would like to know how is the test log result and can some one tell me if the setup is fine or need correction…tqvm

Flight Review - Quadrotor (px4.io)

Hi Danial,

Did you take off from a roof or something like that?
Whas was your feeling and the attitude of the drone?

hello and tq…up by 1 meter only