Flight Controller to Firmware Compilation Matching

I am not sure which firmware compilation is required for each flight controller, or which firmware compilation relates to which flight controller. Is there a table somewhere?

Is there a handy table somewhere that shows the following relationships:
Px4FMUv1 => FMUv1 compilation
Pixhawk => FMUv2 compilation
Pixhawk 2 => FMUv3 compilation
Pixracer => ??? compilation
Pixfalcon => ??? compilation
Pixhawk 3 Pro => ??? compilation

Perhaps on each of the flight controller pages on px4.io it should give the build instruction like what is done for the Pixhawk2 (https://dev.px4.io/en/flight_controller/pixhawk-2.html).

Pixracer is px4fmu-v4
Pixhawk 3 Pro is px4fmu-v4pro
Pixfalcon is Pixhawk binary compatible (px4fmu-v2).
FMUv5 is a new STM32F7 based board that isn’t available for purchase yet.

@dagar: Thanks.

And do you know whether there any publicly available schematics for the Pixhawk 3 Pro?

For those interested, the Px4 User Guide has a nice overview of the Pixhawk series of flight controllers https://docs.px4.io/en/flight_controller/pixhawk_series.html

Also, I have added a pull request to the Devguide to add the individual build instructions to each Pixhawk flight controller page: https://github.com/PX4/Devguide/pull/280

I’m not sure where the schematics for the Pixhawk 3 Pro live. Did you try Drotek?

I have checked their website but haven’t found anything. I might have to just ask them for a copy.