Feasibility: pseudo inverse for under actuated system

Hello, I was trying to implement Fault Tolerant Control for a quad copter.Got to know that control allocator has already implemented this using pseudo inverse methods.I just wanted to know how feasible is pseudo inverse for a quad copter when it has a rotor failed?

How are you modeling your system? You alloc matrix changes when you lose a motor.

I am using MPC for fault tolerance. Yeah, the matrix changes when the motor is lost. when using the control allocator pseudo-inverse the matrix removes the failed motor row from the effectiveness matrix but can’t handle the motor failure. Is there any specific reason?

What do you mean “cant handle”? You have any logs?


The low-level controller isn’t designed to handle motor failures. It assumes all the motors are functioning. You need to design your controller and allocator in case of motor failure

Any idea how do i override the px4 low-level controller by my controller or bypass it?