Fail to configure radio control

Recently I’ve updated radio control (both transmitter and receiver). Now I can not calibrate it. When I move stick all the way up or down QGC does not detect it properly and we do not move on next step. Though channel monitor shows movements but not so much. Less then half of max amplitude.

Is there a way to fix it? Probably some param? As far as I understand calibration should set movements boundaries…

No idea what’s wrong without knowing the RC that you’re using, how it is connected. What it is connected to. And what software is even on running on whatever it is connected to. E.g. “Pixhawk PX4 v1.14.3 with such and such radio connected to PPM input” would be the very minimum.

Thank you for replying!
Receiver is Microzone MC6RE. MBUS (as far as I understand it is analogue of SBUS) receiver output connected to RC input.
What else?..
Additional observation. One of channel give larger amplitude of signal and it is calibrated OK. Broken receiver?..

That sounds like a bootloader version. Did you flash latest PX4 stable, or what are you using?

I use one that was installed. How could I check version?
btw I couldn’t flash from my laptop.

You would flash latest from QGC → Vehicle Settings → Firmware.