Error compiling PX4 sitl (JSBsim)

Yes, writing /Applications/ in the terminal launches flightgear with a Cessna 172P (it’s the default aircraft in the simulator settings).

I’ve used the same path also for flightgear sitl and there it works correctly (I used this command FG_BINARY="/Applications/" make px4_sitl_nolockstep flightgear_rascal), in this case not.

In the folder /Applications/ there are other executables: fgcom, fgjs and crashpad_handler.

I’ve solved the problem modifying this line of code to point to the fgfs path:


Now the jsbsim simulation is working with also the visualization.

Thanks for the help!

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Nice, that makes sense. I guess it should be using the variable rather than hard-coded fgfs. Feel free to make a pull request to upstream to fix it.

I went ahead with it: jsbsim: take FG_BINARY env var into account by julianoes · Pull Request #20924 · PX4/PX4-Autopilot · GitHub

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Yes, better implementation; thanks for the pull request.

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