Customizing Joystick functionality in QGC

Hey All!

:hammer_and_wrench: :computer: IF YOU HAVE MADE CUSTOM QGC BUILDS WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOUR (PAID!) HELP URGENTLY!:hammer_and_wrench: :computer:

I’m working on a project for a client involving a custom fixed wing solution for inspections and surveys over farms.

We already have a working fixed wing and a great comms solution that gives us solid FPV and C2 link for our client’s requirements, but we need to make a small modification involving customizing QGC (QGroundControl) to finish the project.

Here is the specifics:

  • We are using a custom telemetry radio for our comms solution. All ours comms are being passed over MAVLink as Joystick commands rather than RC (we actually don’t use a standard RC). You can read more about this type of setup here - Joystick Setup | PX4 Guide (main) .

  • We are using a Radiomaster TX16S connected to a laptop via USB cable as the Joystick. We put a custom .yaml file on it to expose each of the switches to QGC so that we can use them for things like changing flight modes, arm/disarm, etc… using the Button Assignment tab in the Joystick page of QGC.

  • We also need to be able to use one of the 3-position switches on the Radiomaster to move the flaps (3 positions = 0%, 50% and 100% flap deflection). But this functionality is not available in the dropdown menus in the Button Assignment tab.

  • We need someone to implement that “Flaps” feature into the Button Assignment dropdown menus such that we can set a 3-position switch on the Joystick to 0/50/100% flaps.

Please DM (direct message) if you can help us! If you can share your experiences (github account, resume/CV…) that’d be helpful too. If this mini-project goes well we could possibly collaborate longer term too!