Create a mission programmatically - MISSION_ITEM: Invalid item


I succeeded creating a mission programmatically and injected few waypoints successfully. However, when I try to add MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT it says Invalid Item, even though I have set up the params based on the current mavlink code:

enums[“MAV_CMD”][113] = EnumEntry(“MAV_CMD_CONDITION_CHANGE_ALT”, “”“Ascend/descend to target altitude at specified rate. Delay mission state machine until desired altitude reached.”“”)
enums[“MAV_CMD”][113].param[1] = “”“Descent / Ascend rate.”“”
enums[“MAV_CMD”][113].param[2] = “”“Empty”“”
enums[“MAV_CMD”][113].param[3] = “”“Empty”“”
enums[“MAV_CMD”][113].param[4] = “”“Empty”“”
enums[“MAV_CMD”][113].param[5] = “”“Empty”“”
enums[“MAV_CMD”][113].param[6] = “”“Empty”“”
enums[“MAV_CMD”][113].param[7] = “”“Target Altitude”“”

I use mission_item_int_send

Any help would be appreciated.


Looking in the source code of px4, mavlink_mission.cpp, it is not included for processing, thus this kind of waypoint is invalid :-/