Hello, I am working on QGC Stable 4.3 QT5.15 version, I am using jdk 11, ndk 21.3, cmdline-tools10, dependencies. I am constantly getting errors while compiling QGC or even if I compile it, it crashes when I open the application, does anyone have any ideas about this, I would be very happy if you could help me @Karl Schoelpple
Maybe try sharing the errors you are getting so we can see what you are doing, it’s very hard to guess from your post. Did you follow the documentation? Getting Started with Source and Builds | QGC Guide (master)
I have a similar question, I’m trying to compile Stable_V4.4 and StableV4.4 but both builds appear to be using QT5.x and the documentation states to install only QT6.8.1? Which version of QT should I be using?
You are looking at the wrong version of the docs, there’s a tab on the top that reads “Version”. Here’s a link at the page you need for v4.4 (notice the URL change as well)
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