Challenges in Handling MAVLink Messages with MAVSDK Python


I have been developing a MAVSDK-based application in Python to manage MAVLink messages for a custom drone platform. While the library offers excellent abstraction; I occasionally encounter challenges with message parsing and asynchronous operations; especially when handling multiple commands in rapid succession. :innocent:

These issues sometimes lead to unexpected behaviors /dropped messages, making debugging complex. I have checked Integration Testing using MAVSDK | PX4 User Guide (v1.14) Java documentation guide but still need advice .

Could anyone share best practices for structuring MAVSDK apps in Python to handle high message throughput reliably? :thinking:

Additionally; what are some recommended debugging techniques / tools for tracking and resolving issues with MAVLink message handling in a multi-threaded environment? :thinking:

Your advice would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you ! :slightly_smiling_face: