Hello everyone! Myself Yatharth and I just started working on PX4. Recently for R&D purpose I have started designing my own GPS from scratch and I wanted to configure its firmware. I am following the PX4 building docs but since I am not that experienced in software development, it will be helpful if someone could make me understand the process. First, how to generate the firmware code for my GPS (the design is same as that of can-rtk-gps so I went through its GitHub files but did not understand much). Second, what is the connection of this with building PX4 using Visual Studio Code (I have only done till running PX4 console on gazebo SITL and operating drone on it while having QGC as my GCS). Third, when flashing firmware on the device over DroneCAN, which firmware binary file do we have to copy in the root directory of SD card in our flight controller?
Even the basics could help me a lot, cause I am doing this fully on my own. Thanks!