I am running some simulated missions on gazebo classics for a fixed wing plane. My mission profile has a nose diving segment. However, no matter what I tried I was not able to get the plane to nose dive. No matter how much elevation change I give it sticks to pitch angle of -10 degrees for descent and +30 deg for climb.
These are the parameters I have altered so far:
FD_FAIL_P - max pitch fail detection
FW_MAN_P_MAX - max manual pitch angle
FW_P_LIM_MAX - max pitch angle
FW_P_LIM_MIN - min pitch angle
FW_P_RMAX_NEG - max pitch rate positive
FW_P_RMAX_POS - max pitch rate negative
FW_T_SINK_MAX - max descent rate
FW_T_VERT_ACC - max vertical acceleration to correct speed/height errors
if anyone has gotten fixed wing controller to pitch down at almost 90deg or knows how to do that - your advice would be much appreciated
thank you for some references! they definitely come closer to what I need than my plane. However, the very first line where you say “check here:” is empty for me. Was there a log that managed to do a proper dive or is that a typo?