Sending direct motor command to px4 multicopter model

Is it possible to send direct thrust and/or rotation speed command to each of the motors in a multicopter model that px4 has as its default by using MAVROS? So far as I can see I can only send xyz command that is a reference to the whole frame instead of being able to just send a command to each of the motor in model.

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if you mean for testing the individual motors, you can do that with the “pwm test -c 1 -p 1000” command from the NuttX shell. How to access NuttX shell from MAVROS I don’t know, but if MAVROS supports the MAVLINK_SERIAL_CONTROL messages then it should be able to do it. I use this to find minimum throttle and to also test that my motors are spinning in the right direction… see

Thank you for the suggestion, it is very helpful

How does the px4 application send the pwm commands? I want to see how it is being implemented on the px4 application, more specifically on the multicopter application


Is it possible to send direct thrust and/or rotation speed command to each of the motors in a multicopter model that px4 has as its default by using MAVROS?

So the answer is yes? I also want to control the drone by sending the PWM directly to the PX4.


Did someone figure out how to send PWM directly to the PX4 through mavros ?