Why does suddenly the drone cannot keep offboard control?

Dear Julian:
Thank you very much for your help.
Since the the pixhawk only records the log when the drone successfully fly, I only have three successful logs at the day, instead of the failed one. Really sorry.

When the offboard control cannot take off or fail, the pixhawk will not record the log.

At the day, I have a three flight log.
The first log and the last log are controlled by FrSky RC radio controller.
The second is controlled by offboard control.
04-06-2023 20:07
04-06-2023 20:14
04-06-2023 20:29

On the other hand,
After observing some previous successful terminal log in Jetson TX1, where running

roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:=/dev/ttyUSB0:921600

The previous successful terminal log in white.
The failed terminal log in black.

I think the error message or reason may be these lines:
VER: broadcast request timeout, retries left 4
VER: broadcast request timeout, retries left 3
GF: timed out
RP: timed out
WP: timed out

However, I found the similar post but cannot find a solution.
Besides, the issue only happens after the drone completed a flight by offboard control, so the reason should not be wiring or FCU autopilot version.

Thank you very much again