Wanted: Developer in Philadelphia area

Four year old drone startup looking for Dronecode developer to help transition from Dronekit as well as make other changes, improvements.
Very unique product with huge market. Willing to pay hourly with cash and/or equity.
Great opportunity for the motivated person.

Hi, I have previous experience regarding drone control using MAVLINK protocol using python.
But I am not from Philadelphia

Hi, its July 2024, and saw your msg looking for dronekit to mavsdk experience, i made dual use app

I am in Hamilton NJ about 45 mins from Phila
jerryfat dot verizon.net

Hello. are you interested in collaborating to make a VTOL aircraft? I am located in New Jersey as well. I have deep experience with hardware and aircraft manufacturing. Currently I am build and fly 2 meter wing span copter tailsitter. I would love to discuss my plans with you. we can make a good partner if anything.