Ubuntu 18.04,gazebo+gstreamer doesn't work

Hello,I am using ubuntu 18.04,by default,only gazebo 9 available,and I noticed in

Tools/sitl_gazebo/CMakeLists.txt line 353

there is a checking

    QT4_WRAP_CPP(headers_MOC include/gazebo_video_stream_widget.h)
    add_library(gazebo_video_stream_widget SHARED ${headers_MOC} src/gazebo_video_stream_widget.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(gazebo_video_stream_widget ${GAZEBO_LIBRARIES} ${QT_LIBRARIES} ${PROTOBUF_LIBRARIES})
    message(STATUS "Found GStreamer: adding gst_video_stream_widget")

Does this mean only gaze version < 8 is supported if I want to use gstreamer?
If so,only way to use gazebo+gstreamer in ubuntu 18.04 is to figure out a way to install gazebo 7?

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Hi, I am looking for the same thing. Did you sort something out? Cuz apparently there is no working solution. I tried to change the Enable GStreamer Plugin but it looks like stuck during the recompilation. Do you have any suggestions ?