Strange QGCComboBox behaviour

I have a strange issue with the QGCComboBox element. I basically want to send a mavlink message based on what is selected in the drop down menu, but the currentIndex does not always correspond to the selected value. In my example I get a different index if I change from “PIP” to “RGB” then from “IR” to “RGB”. I would expect it to always have the same index if I select “RGB”.

Here is my example code:

QGCComboBox {
  //id: displayMode
  model: ["PIP", "IR", "RGB"]
  onActivated: {
    _activeVehicle.sendCommand(_activeVehicle, //ID
                               183, //MAV_CMD
                               true, //showError
                               13, //servo instance
                               currentIndex*500+1000); //servo value in us

I also get the same strange behaviour if I explicitly check for the currentText property like this:

if (currentText == "PIP"){
  _activeVehicle.sendCommand(_activeVehicle, //ID
                             183, //MAV_CMD
                             true, //showError
                             13, //servo instance
                             1000); //servo value in us
if (currentText == "IR"){
  _activeVehicle.sendCommand(_activeVehicle, //ID
                             183, //MAV_CMD
                             true, //showError
                             13, //servo instance
                             1500); //servo value in us
if (currentText == "RGB"){
   _activeVehicle.sendCommand(_activeVehicle, //ID
                              183, //MAV_CMD
                              true, //showError
                              13, //servo instance
                              2000); //servo value in us

Any help would be appreciated…

To answer my own question, You have to use “index” instead of “currentIndex” for some reason…