SP Racing running PX4


I’m trying to flash PX4 on a SP Racing Extreme H7 Flight Computer

I have followed the instructions given on here:

I’m am pretty sure I’ve done it correctly expect the fact I’m not entirely sure I have the right SSBL .hex file uploaded to the FC.

I have then flashed the PX4 software on the FC via DUI-UTIL with the .bin file given here:

My Error occurs when I open Qgroundcontrol and I get this error:

Error: Get Board Info: Sync: Send Command: Get Command Response: Timeout waiting for bytes to be available

I have tried different usb cables, different usb ports and different computer even.

I am wondering aswell if this is correct, just before the error Qgroundcontrol says this: Found device: ArduPilot ChibiOS

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

Hi JohannesR,
You can check following issues that SP Racing H7 Extreme PX4 Edition H/W and Bootloader
H/W : The PX4 Edition is identical to the standard version except it has a different flash chip that is required for operation with PX4. The PX4 Edition flash is NOR 128MBit and supports memory mapped mode.
Bootloader : It should be provide by SP Racing.