Using the connection UDP on port 14551, the QgroundControl remain disconnected from the Pixhawk 6x when using the h16 (30Km receiver), but using the Sik radio all is OK.
When oppening the QgroundControl app. the error is : "Error binding the UDP port: The bound address is already in use "
I use pixhawk 6x with latest firmware (1.14)
If you have binded the air unit and handheld and following the instructions it should work fine. The udp port number for uart 0 is 14551 make sure to connect it to the correct uart port. If you still have issues then reply here
Yes I configured port and and insert cable to uart0 of the receiver as you say the problem remain.
But trying to solve something, I start a firmware update from H16Tool /Advanced settings, this update work since 2hours and didn’t stop, even if I stop the Skydroid tablet, the update doesn’t finish ever, did you know what firmware refer to, the H16Tool ?. After powering off the skydroid tablet it start automatically flickering continously the the ABCDEF switches lights.
I solved the problem with Firmware update in H16Tool app, and now the Skydroid H 16 work Ok, but If someone can tell me what firmware was updated from v1.2 to v1.3, the only information that I find H16Tool is : “Local firmware”.
Well the new pro units also had asked for firmware update I did them with no problem. But their technical support sucks, I can’t reach them anyway. A bit dumb question but do you manually choose to connect on the qgc comm links tab? the message you get is usual and doesn’t cause any problems for me
Yes I do the connection from Connect button from Comm Links but QGC remain Disconnected.
Did you check/uncheck the UDP check box in ApplicationSettings/General menu?
Sorry for late reply, yesterday I found that H16Tool after Local firmware update doesn’t work correct so the configuration file for this Tool is missing, also the Save an Read commands do not work. The message "Error binding the UDP port: The bound address is already in use " when opening QGC is present.
More than that, when Receiver H16 is disconnected from power, when start QGC from Skydroid H16 the same Error is present. I conclude that is a problem with OS or application, somehow the port remain in use (locked) even if Skydroid H16 is switched Off (PowerOff). I decide to make A firmware upgrade for Skydroid 16H using this link : “”
At the end of the upgrade the Skydroid H16 did not rebooted and now I have black screen no lights and no buttons, it appear to be dead. So I can’t send you any screen shots with settings or pictures, I write to HolyBro to help me.
If it is useful I have the log for the upgrade.
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18363.836]
(c) 2019 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
That’s a bummer. I haven’t had a experience with that kind of system upgrade. Seems like you bricked your unit. I hope Holybro can help you. I also have a problem with the h16 right now and trying to reach sykdroid with the help of 3dxr. Good luck!!
I found the reason for initial problem of missing connection between Flight controller and Skydroid H16 pro QGC (telemetry), it was the wrong cable supplied in the H16 -pro Kit (H16 Receiver UART0 and TELEM1 of the flight controller) by Holybro, the cable match by mechanical , color and form, but electrical the wires connections are not correct. Now, until I’ll have the Skydroid H16 functional I can’t try anything , but is very clear this cable is not the right cable, until now I didn’t receive any response from Holybro or Skydroid regarding the tablet restarting.
Greetings. I’m having the exat same issue on a brand new SkyDrone H16. I just installed and connected it to a SIYI N7. My GC connects perfectly,and the H16 tool reports all things working. I even get video on the H16 Toll. But, when I launch QGC, I get that stupid UDP port error. I have changed the app settings/ Comm Links. Added an instance using UDP 14451. Nothing. No connection between QGC and the drone. I even messed with the TELEM1 - URT0 Cable by reversing the connection (chopped wires) between pilot and SIYI. Nothing. I Even disconnected all cables between pilot and receiver, re started things and the problem persists.
Ay ideas? I don’t see you posting a solution yet. Thank You