🎉 QGroundControl Stable 4.0 available

Here is a very high level and non-exhaustive list of new features added to QGroundControl in version 4.0. Not to mention the large number of bug fixes in this release and I’m sure we lost track on listing some new features which were added along the way!

Note The format for Settings in QGC had to change in this release. Which means all QGC settings will be reset to defaults.

  • Settings
    • Language: Allow selection of language
    • ArduPilot
      • Mavlink: Configurable stream rate settings
  • Setup
    • Joystick
      • New joystick setup ui
      • Ability to configure held button to single or repeated action
    • ArduPilot
      • Motor Test
  • Plan
    • Create Plan from template with wizard like progression for completing full Plan.
    • Survey: Save commonly used settings as a Preset
    • Polygon editing
      • New editing tools ui
      • Support for tracing a polygon from map locations
    • ArduPilot
      • Support for GeoFence and Rally Points using latest firmwares and mavlink v2
  • Fly
    • Click to ROI support
    • Added support for connecting to ADSB SBS server. Adds support for ADSB data from USB SDR Dongle running ‘dump1090 --net’ for example.
    • Ability to turn on Heading to home, COG and Next Waypoint heading indicators in Compass.
    • Video
      • Add support for h.265 video streams
    • Vehicle type specific pre-flight checklists. Turn on from Settings.
  • Analyze
    • New Mavlink Inspector which includes charting support. Supported on all builds including Android and iOS.
  • General
    • Released Windows build are now 64 bit only
    • Log Replay: Ability to specify replay speed
    • ArduPilot
      • Improved support for chibios firmwares and ArduPilot bootloader with respect to flashing and auto-connect.

FYI: Forgot to say that iOS 4.0 builds may take another week to be ready.

Don, is there any backwards compatibility expected with previous version of PX4 firmware such as v1.9.2? Or is it assumed to be running PX4 v1.10 or later with QGC 4.0?

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You can usually go back fairly far without problems with PX4. Some vehicle setup may freak out because of missing params.

Also FYI: With ArduPilot it’s a little better in that the parameter name changes are tracked and fixed up on the fly for old versions. At least up to a certain point. QGC will tell you if you are using a version older than it supports.

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You mentioned setup motortest for Ardupilot…
Is motortest for px4 (not Adru) fully functional? Eg. The different barsliders for each motor, to test them individually?

Nice job QGC team👍🏻

Yes it is and it’s new in 4.0 and I forgot to add it to the release notes.

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How do I add a new Localization file?

You should ask that question on the “translation” channel of Slack. QGC website can point you to how to get on slack.

Slack? Sorry !! I do n’t know that PX4 has Slack and I have never used Slack, so what is the Slack URL of PX4?


Has the WP numbering been removed from surveys? Seem to be just getting the track lines with no numbers.

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Yes it has. If that is a problem for you enter an issue into GitHib with some details explaining why it is needed.

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Hi is there topic For motor test, as you mentioned above it should work but i get an error : “ motor test command not supported”

I am able to use motor_test command in nsh console but using the sliders in the motors panel in QGC settings it throws error/warning

You probably needs to be using a new firmware version. You could ask the firmware folks what version has support for it.