PH 2.1 Cube 2x Telemetry (MAVLInk SiK & FrSky) & Companion

Hello PixHawk-Experts,

maybe someone can give me a hint, I have tried several things but did not find a solution.

I would like to use the following setup:

  • TELEM 1 > MAVLINK via Holybro Telemetry Radio 433MHz SiK V3
  • GPS2 > FrSky Telemetry
  • TELEM 2 > Link to companion (used PH internally to link with Intel Edison)

But: I do not find a setting where both telemetry links (SiK & FrSky) are working.
Is this possible at all with the Cube?

My Setup:

  • Flight Controller
    Pixhawk 2.1 Cube FW 1.10.1
    (Currently: Intel Edison installed, linked internally on SERIAL2)
  • QGC 4.0.4 on Windows 10
  • Holybro Telemetry Radio 433MHz SiK V3
  • Craft & Theory Pixhawk telemetry cable
  • Receiver: FrSky XSR
  • Remote: FrSky Taranis X9D Plus

What I have tried up to now:

  • All components are OK and the cabling is OK.
    Reason: There are setup variants that work partially, see below.

Summary of table below:
1.) MAVLink Telemetry via SiK does only work on TELEM 1, but not on TELEM 2 or GPS 2
2.) FrSKY Telemetry does only work on TELEM 1, but not on TELEM 2 or GPS 2
==> Am I missing specific setup parameters?

Note for all setups:
Companion (Intel Edison) is adressed via Serial 2 (TELEM 2) and MAV_1_CONFIG settings.

I am sorry if the solution is obvious, but I did not see it after reading dozens of telemetry threads.
Please let me know if you need more specific input.

Thank you & best regards

OK, I will answer to my own question :slight_smile:

I am talking about Config ID#02 above:

  • Craft & Theory Pixhawk telemetry cable is linked to the port labelled as “GPS_2”:
    PH2.1[GPS_2] ==> Craft & Theory Pixhawk telemetry cable ==> FrSKY Receiver S.Port

  • in Parameters/Telemetry/TEL_FRSKY_CONFIG there has to be selected “TELEM/SERIAL4”
    (and not “GPS_2”).

This serial mapping overview was helpful (I know this is an arducopter page…).

With this setting there is telemetry data available on the remote control (Taranis X9D Plus).

TEL4 is labeled as GPS2 on Cube.