I’m working with dev drones that have a mavlink server that establishes a connection to the gcs ip address via udp. The manufacturer hard coded the UDP port to connect to the ground station side so it’s the same for all the vehicles. I noticed that when I try to connect to one vehicle it connects to all the vehicles. Is this expected behavior? If I have a comm link profile set up with a valid server address does the link manager ignore the server address when trying to connect if there’s a mavlink heartbeat from the vehicle on the local udp port already?
One of the vehicles had the gcs ip not set in the mavlink server so it didn’t autoconnect when I connected to the other vehicle’s comm link but it did when I connected via the correct the comm link.
Assuming each vehicle should have a separate udp port they connect to, but in cases where they don’t wouldn’t it be better for the link manager to establish a connection at the server side first if a valid server address is listed in the comm link profile?