MAVLink logging messages

I am trying to simulate quadcopter using PX4 (ver 1.15.2) Gazebo and QGC (ver 4.4.3) . I have setup the environment inside docker container. I need to log MAVlink messages. I am able to run the simulation but not able to log MAVlink messages. I have enabled logging of MAVLink messages in QGC. In QGC console:

“MAVLinkLogManagerLog: MAVLink log data received when not expected.”
“MAVLinkLogManagerLog: MAVLink log data received when not expected.”

In the logs saved for the simulation there are no MAVLink messages. I would like some support on this. Thank you for your efforts :).

Sometimes it helps to try the daily build of QGC.

You can also log all mavlink traffic in Wireshark. This is not convenient for post processing but can be helpful in some cases.

This isn’t actually a MAVLink question. We should move it to QGC.