Installation errors on Ubuntu

QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to ‘/tmp/runtime-jsemeda’
Settings location “/home/jsemeda/.config/ Daily.ini” Is writable?: true
Filter rules “*Log.debug=false\nGStreamerAPILog.debug=true\n”
System reported locale: QLocale(C, Default, Default) ; Name “C” ; Preffered (used in maps): “None”
LocalizationLog: Qt lib localization for “C” is not present
LocalizationLog: Error loading source localization for “C”
LocalizationLog: Error loading json localization for “C”
Error loading text-to-speech plug-in “speechd”
serialnmea: No serial ports found
VideoReceiverLog: Stop called on empty URI
VideoReceiverLog: Stop called on empty URI
MAVLinkLogManagerLog: MAVLink logs directory: “/home/jsemeda/Documents/QGroundControl Daily/Logs”
Map Cache in: “/home/jsemeda/.cache/QGCMapCache300” / “qgcMapCache.db”
QGLXContext: Failed to create dummy context
qml: QGCCorePlugin(0x55cd6a13fa70) [1,2]
: Invalid empty URL
qrc:/qml/MainRootWindow.qml:412:13: QML ColumnLayout: Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.

No idea what “C” locale is. Is that really a locale? Either way, it will just revert to English.

Some sort of OpenGL driver problems maybe.

The rest are not errors and can be ignored. Does QGC even boot up?

I noticed the QT error, so I installed it, I am running on WSL2 which does not include all the default packages.
Now The errors are :slight_smile:QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to ‘/tmp/runtime-jsemeda’
Settings location “/home/jsemeda/.config/ Daily.ini” Is writable?: true
Filter rules “*Log.debug=false\nGStreamerAPILog.debug=true\n”
System reported locale: QLocale(C, Default, Default) ; Name “C” ; Preffered (used in maps): “None”
LocalizationLog: Qt lib localization for “C” is not present
LocalizationLog: Error loading source localization for “C”
LocalizationLog: Error loading json localization for “C”
Error loading text-to-speech plug-in “speechd”
VideoReceiverLog: Stop called on empty URI
MAVLinkLogManagerLog: MAVLink logs directory: “/home/jsemeda/Documents/QGroundControl Daily/Logs”
VideoReceiverLog: Stop called on empty URI
Map Cache in: “/home/jsemeda/.cache/QGCMapCache300” / “qgcMapCache.db”
QGLXContext: Failed to create dummy context
qml: QGCCorePlugin(0x558520b06a90) [1,2]
: Invalid empty URL
qrc:/qml/MainRootWindow.qml:412:13: QML ColumnLayout: Possible anchor loop detected on vertical anchor.

The QGroundControlDaily windows opens but it is all black

Are you still having this problem? Or did you find a solution. Because I have a similar problem.