How to incorporate the motor tilt angle into the mixer?

For everyone,
I have placed the model, including the physical model, mixer, etc., but without incorporating the motor tilt angle. Now, I want to make this modification in order to fully simulate the multirotor.

I saw this question was also on discord. If you got an answer, can you copy it here?

I don’t have an answer yet.
You can see that “Multi-rotor + Motor with angle (Will a 2-degree tilt in the multirotor motors affect any files within PX4?) · Issue #1004 · PX4/PX4-SITL_gazebo-classic · GitHub
and “"Multirotor simulation using sitl px4 on gazebo"how to add tilt angle to the model? · Issue #1005 · PX4/PX4-SITL_gazebo-classic · GitHub

@Osama_Mamdouh Have you seen my response?

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Today, I saw it, and I’m still learning.
Thank you very much for your help.