Global position on PX4


I’m trying to arm a drone, but it show that issue: Preflight fail: Global position Required

I have a Matek’s GPS connected on a CAN interface

I have read something about, but i don’t know how to set that parameters on the pixhak

I’ll be glad whit some advice.

Is it using DroneCAN (which used to be UAVCAN v0) or UAVCAN v1, or some other CAN?

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I’m using uavcan v1. but I have another pixhawk with the same firmware version and it works with the same Gps I think that are some parameter that I miss to configure

That gps is DroneCAN.

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I decide to work with the other pixhawk, but when i conecct the drone using de telemetry module it left to work, have a lot of problems to get the global position

If you are using QGC as your GCS application, go to Mavlink console and type gps status at the console terminal . Let us have the screenshot attached here.