Feature request: filter out calibration-related parameters

Hi, the ‘show modified only’ option is great in the parameters section of QGroundControl. However, I would like to suggest another checkbox filter: ‘ignore calibration parameters’. This is because all of the many calibration-related parameters pollute the modified-only list.

Good idea, but very specific.

Could we could add a list of tags for each parameter? There are already categories, but a setting could be in more than one category.

Example: SERIAL. There are many settings for different serial devices, but maybe the user wants to see everything related to serial where maybe it is actually in the GPS category, or the RC category. If you could filter including or excluding a tag, it would satisfy your suggestion and add a more powerful feature.

agreed, its a bit too specific. tags would offer better functionality, but puts additional burden on devs to ensure the params are properly tagged (i think). I would suggest the ability to add multiple text filters (like the one currently implemented) for either matching or ignoring.

The reason I suggested additional tags is that it doesn’t change existing functionality if a developer doesn’t tag a parameter correctly. I don’t believe it would be that difficult to find and tag all of the parameters. I am just starting to dig into the parameter system to understand serial port naming, so maybe my opinion will change once I’ve got a better understanding.

I just realized the params are already categorized; not sure if this matches your vision for tags.