DSPAL with PX4

I am using the Snapdragon Flight, and I intend to configure the ESC port as a UART interface to send and receive messages.

Given that I am compiling a program/module (what have you) for PX4, how would I utilize DSPAL to do something like write to a serial port for UART? The only advice available on the PX4 online docs (http://dev.px4.io/advanced-accessing-io-data.html) is to check the DSPAL docs.

I have read through the DSPAL documentation (https://github.com/ATLFlight/dspal/tree/master/test/dspal_tester)

However, there is no advice as to how to do something like compile for the DSP or use IDL files and RPCs outside of uORB. I have not been able to find a way to register a callback for a uORB message on the DSP side.

How do I (using PX4 cmake tools, such as the module list) compile for DSP and use an IDL file to use RPCs?