Hi all,
Fabricio and I are designers at Intel and we lead the Dronecode User Experience Working Group. The UX WG is tasked to create and promote UX resources that ease, simplify and accelerate development of products based on (or part of) the Dronecode platform.
The WG started at the beginning of April, since then we’ve launched the new DC website in a partnership with the former Docs WG and now our goal is to define who are the Dronecode users and their needs. For that, we invite all of you to participate in an online survey.
Dronecode Project understands that open source software is essential to scaling solutions and fostering the ecosystem development. But great code is just the start. It has to solve real-world problems to have an impact – thus this survey to find out what you want from Dronecode.
Please answer this short survey to help us direct our efforts, it will take ˜15 minutes. This information will be used to help improve Dronecode Project.
Thank you in advance. We really appreciate your feedback.
Survey: https://goo.gl/forms/o0K5s1WItC45ngns2
UXWG: https://wiki.dronecode.org/workgroup/ux/start
Best regards
Beatriz Palmeiro and Fabricio Novak
Dronecode User Experience Working Group