Custom SPI driver issue

I am trying to modify the existing ADS1115 driver to create my own ADS7953 SPI driver. When I run the listener command to listen to the message published by the driver, in the device_id message, Simulator is showing where it should show SPI (similar to other drivers/topics). I am new to PX4 community and any help would be highly appreciated.


Can you share a link to code? You need to make sure the BusCLIArguments struct is filled out properly. You’ll need to add a new DRV_ADC_DEVTYPE for ADS7953

For example:

extern "C" int ads1115_main(int argc, char *argv[])
	using ThisDriver = ADS1115;
	BusCLIArguments cli{true, false};
	cli.default_i2c_frequency = 400000;
	cli.i2c_address = 0x48;

	const char *verb = cli.parseDefaultArguments(argc, argv);

	if (!verb) {
		return -1;

	BusInstanceIterator iterator(MODULE_NAME, cli, DRV_ADC_DEVTYPE_ADS1115);

	if (!strcmp(verb, "start")) {
		return ThisDriver::module_start(cli, iterator);

	if (!strcmp(verb, "stop")) {
		return ThisDriver::module_stop(iterator);

	if (!strcmp(verb, "status")) {
		return ThisDriver::module_status(iterator);

	return -1;