COM port disappearing after bootloader in Px4 v 1.12.3 multicopter for Pixhawk 6X

I am facing a similar issue while flashing Px4 stable version v 1.12.3 version (multicopter fmu 6x) onto my official Holybro pixhawk 6x board.

The USB serial port disappears after a successful firmware flash. (I can check it via my device manager)

Not a PC or wire problem as I checked it already. Even QGC cannot recognize after successful firmware flash.

When I flash stable versions v1.13.0 and v 1.14.0, I can see the bootloader port initially for a few seconds and then the serial com port stays permanently. This is not the case in v 1.12.3

As I need the version for connecting with Matlab, is there any suggestion what I can check and change?

I am checking out the official tagged commit ‘v 1.12.3’ with the hash 2e8918da66af37922ededee1cc2d2efffec4cfb2

I tried to connect to Matlab after flashing with QGroundControl an older version of the firmware that is compatible with it, (1.12.3), do you also have an issue of multiple COM ports?

@Luis_Armenta My issue is after flashing my board (PX 6X) with v 1.12.3 using QGC, the serial COM port which is necessary for serial communication disappears.

Which board are you using? I didn’t get what you meant by “MULTIPLE” COM ports
You can check for the COM ports using Device manager

I am using the HolyBro Pixhawk 6x. For the multiple port issue, it happens when I upload a version of the firmware for the multicopter, which creates two ports connections, for MAVLink and SLCAN. I disconnect and reconnect the board and it shows a single COM port, the it reboots itself and shows the other ports instead of a single one.