Cannot find a docker image for PX4 Gazebo for ARM64 for Jetson

I am trying to use a docker container for building PX4_Gazebo on a Jetson NX which has a processor with ARMv8/ARM64 architecture. I am trying to follow the manual building instructions from here. However, it requires me to use the container name and tag in the command to run it from terminal and I cannot find an image that runs on Jetson from here. I have tried a container image name and tag as such:


I receive the following error:

The requested image’s platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
standard_init_linux.go:219: exec user process caused: exec format error

I can build PX4 Gazebo without issues natively on Jetson without docker on Ubuntu 18.04 (Jetpack) following the instructions from PX4 Build Documentation.

So, I need to know how may I find a compatible image.

@mtawfiqc You can find the full list of containers in GitHub - PX4/PX4-containers: Build scripts for containers running various PX4 setups, like SITL with ROS.

There is no docker image, I build from source, here are the docker commands to be put in the docker file:

COPY ./PX4-Autopilot /PX4-Autopilot

WORKDIR /PX4-Autopilot
RUN /usr/bin/bash Tools/setup/
RUN /usr/bin/make px4_sitl_default

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“ I can build PX4 Gazebo without issues natively on Jetson without docker on Ubuntu 18.04 (Jetpack) following the instructions from PX4 Build Documentation.”——are you sure? Does it can build in the arm linux?

Yes, you can natively build it on arm. You can build from source in arm with docker.