Where is "etc" file?

Hello everybody,

I would like to implement a simulink controller into my pixhawk system. As I read in the section 5.2 of the user guide (https://cn.mathworks.com/content/dam/mathworks/mathworks-dot-com/hardware-support/files/Simulink_Pixhawk_Support_v2.0.pdf) I need to modified the start up files located in the path “c:\px4\Firmware\etc”.

I have indeed access to the file " c:\px4\Firmware\ " but there is no “etc” folder and I don’t understand why …

I followed the procedure here " https://dev.px4.io/en/setup/building_px4.html " but may be I’m still missing something …

Thank you,



are you on Ubuntu ? If yes, just type in a terminal cd /etc.

EDIT : I didn’t see that it was an old post. I think you found your solution a long time ago :wink:

Best regards