Here GPS, external magnetometer not detected by px4


I’m using pixhawk 2.1 from profiCNC with here GNSS and I’m not able to detect the external compass.

I have tried the px4 software fmuv2 1.7.0 default and LPE and fmuV3 1.7.3 default with no success at all.
This is not the first time I do calibrate pixhawk 2.1 and I’m pretty used with sensor calibration in QGroundControl.

When using nsh ‘sensors status’ command line I only see 3 compasses.
If I unplug the GPS, restart pixhawk and retry the same command, only 3 mag sensors are visible.

In stock I do have another HERE GPS which is working fine (4 mag sensors detected)

I have made a teardown and here are the differences :
Working one | No working one
Mag 1 and 3 are populated | Mag 4 is populated
1709 printed on top PCB | 1721 printed on top of PCB

Here are the reference on top of the magnetomer 4 chip

Is this magnetometer sensor not supported yet ?

Thank you

I do the question and answer :slight_smile:

The magnetomter 4 looks like an ICM20948. In which case, support in px4 is due to release 1.8.0 :

We are developing a drone with the Here Plus GPS mag. As of today the code for the Here Plus does NOT work on the Pixhawk 2 with PX4.
The PR for that driver was rejected (last I saw) due to build failures. I merged it into the latest version of PX4 and was able to get the GPS and mag recognized however no valid data was being returned by the mag.

Any update on this? Is the HERE Plus GPS mag detected by PX4? I’m trying to use it but also see only 3 mags detected by PX4…