Connecting to generic autopilot

I have the PX4 Firmware codebase and mavlink running on a new processor. I can connect QGroundcontrol over a serial connection to mavlink and see a heartbeat message and a reply message (on an oscope). My question is: what is QGroundcontrol looking for when it displays “Waiting for vehicle connection”? There already is a heartbeat and reply which leads me to believe there is a connection. Also, is there a way to dump/view raw messages ? The log in the console is kind of cryptic.

[D]at qrc"qml/MavlinkSettings.qml:379 - “Rating:notset”

I’m still learning the ins/outs of QGroundcontrol and any pointers would be great!

I have the heartbeat coming through from the vehicle processor running mavlink. It is showing on the QGroundControl Analyze and Inspector widgets. There is no other data coming through other than the heartbeat message. The mavlink mode is “normal” which sets up many data streams.

Q1) are the streams that mavlink configures for any given mode required to be available as active uorb topics?
Q2) for testing mavlink I only have uorb, dataman, and mavlink running (started manually). Do I need other modules started as well?


You should ask these questions in firmware forums.