Arm/Disarm by switch


Is is possible to arm/disarm the motors with a switch on remote control?


eg. QGC
you also should disable the safe switch.

That is the only way I have ever done it. It was fairly straight forward, I can dig up the settings if you want.

I am using a PixHawk Mini and Taranis Remote.

The Painless 360 Youtube channel has some good QGroundControl / Pixhawk set up tutorials.


@T_I_C: But then i need QGC, i want to do it only with a remote control (without QGC).

@480272 : How did you do that, that you can arm/disarm by your Taranis Remote?

Hi, I’ll take some screen shots and send them on later.



I gone through the settings and I have one 3 way switch on the remote to activate different flight modes. This however appears to auto arm it. If no flight mode is set the quad is disarmed. Stabilized / Main is the basic flight mode.
