PX4 ETM support

I’m fairly new to PX4, and I want to debug the PX4 Pixhawk V6X using the ETM feature. However, it seems like there’s only documentation for JLink, not JTrace with ETM. Has anyone successfully obtained ETM data from PX4?

If I connect the Holybro Pixhawk Debug Adapter to the Pixhawk V6X and JTrace, will it work fine? If anyone has knowledge about this, please let me know. Thanks!

What’s ETM? I believe the 6X has more pins than previous Pixhawks in order to facilitate better debugging and profiling.

The pinout is here:

You can do profiling using SWO pin (a less bandwidth option).
Much devlopment work is done with it.

For using 4-wire tracing you need to do some extra work.(Do you really need instruction level tracing)

PX4 has not adopted it widely but Nicolas Hauser from auterion has worked on it. here is the link->

Also see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c4TqEn3MZ0
and ORBTrace mini – Orbcode.